Welcome to issue 302 of the HWN, an issue covering crowd-sourced bits of information about Haskell from around the web. This issue covers from August 3 to 16, 2014
Quotes of the Week
- alpha123: I don't think I have the gonads for monads. :(
- edwardk: There is nothing Natural about a Word.
bernalex: I very often have to deal with people who think I'm pretentious for caring about what programming language I use. "it's just programming". lol.
sopvop: I used to think the same
sopvop: Then haskell corrupted me
sopvop: Haskell is a ghetto
Top Reddit Stories
- ಠ_ಠ :: String -> a. From (hackage.haskell.org), scored 122 with 56 comments.
- An inspiring Haskell story: the green screen of FP. From (keera.co.uk), scored 120 with 13 comments.
- Haskell Platform 2014.2.0.0 is released. From (haskell.org), scored 117 with 56 comments.
- criterion 1.0: a major new release. From (serpentine.com), scored 110 with 13 comments.
- What’s a module system good for anyway?. From (blog.ezyang.com), scored 102 with 20 comments.
- Easy Haskell Profiling. From (danielvelkov.blogspot.com), scored 83 with 33 comments.
- Type Theory Podcast: Peter Dybjer on QuickCheck, verification, and semantics. From (typetheorypodcast.com), scored 57 with 21 comments.
- Fantasy World Haskell. From (self.haskell), scored 52 with 165 comments.
- Haskell for all: managed-1.0.0: A monad for managed resources. From (haskellforall.com), scored 51 with 10 comments.
- Announcing auto-update. From (yesodweb.com), scored 47 with 4 comments.
- Codeworld: An open-source educational programming environment using Haskell. From (github.com), scored 47 with 8 comments.
- PureScript By Example. From (leanpub.com), scored 46 with 25 comments.
- Lenses from the ground up. From (taylor.fausak.me), scored 45 with 43 comments.
- Algebraic Terraforming: Trees from Magma. From (fpcomplete.com), scored 42 with 22 comments.
- Denotational Design: from meanings to programs By Conal Elliott at BayHac (Video). From (youtube.com), scored 42 with 5 comments.
- Just LOOK at the humongous type that Hindley-Milner infers for this tiny program!. From (spacemanaki.com), scored 38 with 27 comments.
- Recommended Reading Material. From (reinh.com), scored 37 with 12 comments.
- (Monoidal) transducers are monoid homomorphisms. From (oleksandrmanzyuk.wordpress.com), scored 37 with 43 comments.
- λ Lessons: Pattern matching, first-class functions, and abstracting over recursion in Haskell. From (stevekrouse.github.io), scored 36 with 3 comments.
Top StackOverflow Questions
- What are the problems with an ADT encoding that associates types with data constructors? (Such as Scala.) votes: 41, answers: 1
- Why is Haskell missing “obvious” Typeclasses votes: 26, answers: 7
- Is there a way to elegantly represent this pattern in Haskell? votes: 22, answers: 6
- Why does Scala not have a return/unit function defined for each monad (in contrast to Haskell)? votes: 16, answers: 4
- How did Haskell add Turing-completeness to System F? votes: 15, answers: 1
- How to avoid superfluous variables in do notation? votes: 14, answers: 2
Until next time,
+Daniel Santa Cruz
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