Welcome to issue 315 of the HWN, an issue covering crowd-sourced bits of information about Haskell from around the web. This issue covers from January 4 to 17, 2015
Quotes of the Week
- mpickering: When is the right time to use Data.ByteString.Char8?
edwardk: mpickering: some time around 1980 - tpolecat: any lecture by conal elliott has that flavor. he is the bob ross of functional programming.
Top Reddit Stories
- Write You a Haskell. From (dev.stephendiehl.com), scored 280 with 24 comments.
- Announcing LTS Haskell 1.0. From (fpcomplete.com), scored 87 with 14 comments.
- MSFT open sources production serialization system written partially in Haskell. From (blog.nullspace.io), scored 83 with 6 comments.
- haskell-emacs - Write Emacs extensions in Haskell. From (github.com), scored 64 with 3 comments.
- The Type Theory Podcast, Episode 3: Dan Licata on Homotopy Type Theory. From (typetheorypodcast.com), scored 58 with 17 comments.
- Cabal 1.22 and cabal-install 1.22. From (groups.google.com), scored 54 with 3 comments.
- [Haskell-cafe] The amount of CPP we have to use is getting out of hand. From (haskell.org), scored 51 with 94 comments.
- Boston Haskell lightning talks: Rust, Phantoms, ATS, Freezing, Music, and Code reuse. From (self.haskell), scored 50 with 8 comments.
- Haskell for all: total-1.0.0: Exhaustive pattern matching using traversals, prisms, and lenses. From (haskellforall.com), scored 47 with 9 comments.
- Mutation analysis for Haskell (alpha). From (self.haskell), scored 46 with 9 comments.
- Simple Algebraic Data Types by Bartosz Milewski. From (bartoszmilewski.com), scored 45 with 1 comments.
- The Frank programming language. From (homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk), scored 42 with 29 comments.
- GHC Weekly News - 2015/01/07. From (ghc.haskell.org), scored 42 with 3 comments.
- The Rust community grapples with the menace of ORPHAN INSTANCES. From (discuss.rust-lang.org), scored 42 with 19 comments.
- The state and future of supercompilation in GHC.. From (self.haskell), scored 39 with 10 comments.
Top StackOverflow Questions
- Implementation of null function votes: 18, answers: 2
- What is the type of this self-applying factorial function? votes: 17, answers: 3
- Haskell fast concurrent queue votes: 17, answers: 3
- Ghc: partially compile Haskell code? votes: 13, answers: 1
- What is the type of return 5 in Haskell when no context is given? votes: 12, answers: 1
- Is it possible to write fmap for this data type involving a type family? votes: 11, answers: 1
- How to get cabal and nix work together votes: 11, answers: 1
- What is the most general way to compute the depth of a tree with something like a fold? votes: 8, answers: 2
- What is exactly an indexed functor in Haskell and what are its usages? votes: 8, answers: 1
- Functor instance for generic polymorphic ADTs in Haskell? votes: 8, answers: 2
- Finite State Transducers in Haskell? votes: 7, answers: 1
- Is it possible to encode a generic “lift” function in Haskell? votes: 7, answers: 2
- Haskell Expression Equivalents votes: 6, answers: 1
Until next time,
+Daniel Santa Cruz
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