Welcome to issue 300 of the HWN, an issue covering crowd-sourced bits of information about Haskell from around the web. This issue covers from July 13 to 26, 2014
Looks like we are chuck-full of goodies this time around! Enjoy!
Quotes of the Week
- Cale: Functions aren't monads, the type constructor (->) e is a monad
- glguy: There's no achievement for using all the operators
- benmachine: adoption by lots of people may stunt progress of haskell, but it will probably help the progress of people
Top Reddit Stories
- Somehow, this happened. Haskell Ryan Gosling.. From (haskellryangosling.tumblr.com), scored 144 with 31 comments.
- Papers every haskeller should read. From (self.haskell), scored 104 with 35 comments.
- Strict Language Pragma Proposal. From (ghc.haskell.org), scored 86 with 95 comments.
- Announcing engine-io and socket-io for Haskell. From (ocharles.org.uk), scored 81 with 7 comments.
- The Haskell Cast #8 - Ollie Charles on 24 Days of Hackage and Nix. From (haskellcast.com), scored 70 with 12 comments.
- Blazing Fast HTML - Virtual DOM in Elm. From (elm-lang.org), scored 60 with 28 comments.
- Idris 0.9.14 released, with updated JavaScript backend, quasiquotes, and lots of internal cleanups and improvements. From (idris-lang.org), scored 55 with 11 comments.
- hoodle 0.3 released - free pen note taking program. From (ianwookim.org), scored 53 with 15 comments.
- This just in, from my local GHC/Cabal checkout... (re: Cabal Hell). From (self.haskell), scored 52 with 13 comments.
- Haskell for all: Equational reasoning at scale. From (haskellforall.com), scored 52 with 29 comments.
- Complete roadmap from total novice to Haskell mastery?. From (self.haskell), scored 50 with 74 comments.
- Write webservices around databases with 0 boilerplate: announcing servant 0.1. From (alpmestan.com), scored 50 with 16 comments.
- Mutable Algorithms in Immutable Languages, Part 3. From (tel.github.io), scored 49 with 2 comments.
- Best Practices for Avoiding Cabal Hell. From (softwaresimply.blogspot.com), scored 47 with 13 comments.
- Applicative (Make) vs Monadic (Shake) build systems. From (neilmitchell.blogspot.co.uk), scored 47 with 7 comments.
- Nemnem - Haskell source hyperlinker. From (robinp.github.io), scored 41 with 33 comments.
- Let me tell you about the types of data. From (tel.github.io), scored 41 with 51 comments.
- Lens Tutorial - Introduction (part 1). From (blog.jakubarnold.cz), scored 39 with 11 comments.
- Help - I wrote some Haskell code, it works, but it's slower than Python. What did I do wrong?. From (self.haskell), scored 39 with 43 comments.
- IntrinsicSuperclasses for Haskell (new proposal for default superclass instances by Conor McBride). From (ghc.haskell.org), scored 37 with 10 comments.
- hackage-diff: Compare the public API of different versions of a Hackage library. From (self.haskell), scored 37 with 32 comments.
- How do you avoid the Cabal Hell™?. From (self.haskell), scored 36 with 30 comments.
- Edward Kmett on Hask. From (youtu.be), scored 35 with 34 comments.
- Mutable Algorithms in Immutable Languages, Part 2. From (tel.github.io), scored 33 with 1 comments.
- Multi-instance packages status report. From (permalink.gmane.org), scored 32 with 7 comments.
- Slides from Conan Elliott's workshop on Denotational Design: from meanings to programs. From (conal.net), scored 32 with 6 comments.
- Reactive-banana anti-tutorial. From (gelisam.blogspot.ca), scored 31 with 23 comments.
- Intro to Machines & Arrows Part 2: 'Auto' as Category, Applicative & Arrow, ft. locally stateful compositions; Further down the road to an Arrowized FRP implementation.. From (blog.jle.im), scored 28 with 9 comments.
Top StackOverflow Questions
- Examples of histomorphisms in Haskell votes: 16, answers: 2
- Plan B, or what's the opposite of Maybe's >>=? votes: 15, answers: 2
- Let-renaming function breaks code votes: 14, answers: 2
- Pattern matching on rank-2 type votes: 14, answers: 3
- Haskell algorithm advice and suggestions for alternate solutions votes: 14, answers: 1
- Why can't Haskell be tricked into performing IO operations by using strict evaluation? votes: 14, answers: 2
- How does lifting (in a functional programming context) relate to category theory? votes: 14, answers: 1
Until next time,
+Daniel Santa Cruz
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